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The University of Louisville

Alumni Club of Southern California


in conjunction with


Texas Christian University

Los Angeles Alumni Association


Invites you to join us for a . . .




Wednesday Happy Hour Game Watch Party


Yes, you read it right.  It’s Wednesday - - - 05 November - - -   4:00.  Kickoff at 4:30. The Cardinals face the Horned Frogs from TCU.

 At the time of this notice TCU is undefeated!!  Our road to the Liberty Bowl passes right through Fort Worth, TX.



The party begins at 4:00, and game time at 4:30 - at Hollywood Billiards Sports Bar and Grill. (See directions below.)  Note:  Hollywood Billiards opens at 4:00 – so we’ll be there as they open the door.  We’ll be joined by the TCU LA Alumni Association, who will be good-naturedly cheering and jeering in opposition to us. 


Hollywood Billiards is NOT some dingy pool hall.  It’s huge, clean, bright and comfortable . . . great food and beer selection – full bar.  Find out more at: 





Free admission (i.e. no cover). 

Cheap drink and food specials.  

“$1.00 off drinks and beer” Happy Hour Special


Remember:  15 November!!   A Day at Hollywood Park with your Cardinal pals.  Look for the flyer soon, but start making your plans NOW.                



Hey Tightwad pay your dues !!


Do you think this organization runs on my good looks??  C’mon!  Dues are a mere $25.00.  Make dues checks payable to The University of Louisville Southern California Alumni Club.  Mail to our Treasurer:


Mr. Vern Meurer

908 N. Malden Ave.

Fullerton, CA  92832



Hollywood Billiards

5750 Hollywood Boulevard,
Hollywood, California 90028



Take the 101 Fwy to the Hollywood Blvd. exit.  Go east about a block or so.  Hollywood Billiards is a large purple (TCU purple??)  building.  Park free on the street in their lot.  (Lot parking is $3.50 after 6:00.)


Please email or phone your RSVP to:


Joseph Willenbrink  310-392-9395


Note:  Drop-ins are welcome, but your RSVP helps our hosts plan staff, etc.  So be nice! 




Copyright © 2003-2015 Joseph Willenbrink. 

This is a personal fan page independatantly owned and operated by Joseph Willenbrink.  The UofL Club of Southern California is a flagship Alumni Club in the UofL Alumni Association. 

I am a friend of that club - I am very proud of that club, and I strongly suggest you join them!  But this site is not affiliated with them in any direct way.

Nothing expressed herein should be construed as the opinion or policy of The University of Louisville, The UofL Alumni Association, UofL Club of Southern California - or any other entity or anything else at all. 


Pay your dues online  à  ß  Only $25.00