Miami '04


Home Up TCU '03 Weekend College UofL vs UK Miami '04


UofL/vs. Miami

Game Watch Parties

Happy Hour 

Downtown Los Angeles

And a second venue

San Diego


Remember our Day at Hollywood Park – coming up 13 November



Please come join us Thursday, 14 October to cheer for our Cardinals as they travel to Florida and shock the nation by whipping the undefeated, #4 ranked Hurricanes from the University of Miami.


This is a Happy Hour game time on a weekday.  Plan your excuse to leave work early.  There is no admission or cover charge for either venue – just come out and have fun.  The game begins at 4:30 – both venues are open earlier in case you want to beat the rush hour traffic.  Please give us a call or an email to let us know you’re coming – so we can better plan, negotiate drink and snack specials – things like that. 



Los Angeles Party


Pete’s Café and Bar

Downtown Los Angeles



Pete’s Café & Bar
400 S. Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90013



From I-110 (Harbor Freeway)
North or Southbound:
Take the 6th St exit east to Main Street, turn left and continue on Main Street to the intersection of Fourth Street.  Pete's is on the Southeast Corner of Fourth and Main.

For more information, contact  Joseph Willenbrink

310-392-9395 cell or





San Diego Party


Players Sports Bar

Clairemont Blvd



Players Sports Bar

7061 Clairemont Blvd.

San Diego, CA  92111



Players is near the corner of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and Shawline Street.  It's 1/2 mile east of the I-805 behind the McDonalds.


For more information, contact  Casey Krawiec

619-723-6765 cell or






Home | TCU '03 | Weekend College | UofL vs UK | Miami '04

This site was last updated 05/10/11  Copyright © 2003-2004 Joseph Willenbrink


Copyright © 2003-2015 Joseph Willenbrink. 

This is a personal fan page independatantly owned and operated by Joseph Willenbrink.  The UofL Club of Southern California is a flagship Alumni Club in the UofL Alumni Association. 

I am a friend of that club - I am very proud of that club, and I strongly suggest you join them!  But this site is not affiliated with them in any direct way.

Nothing expressed herein should be construed as the opinion or policy of The University of Louisville, The UofL Alumni Association, UofL Club of Southern California - or any other entity or anything else at all. 


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