Keeping Current


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The UofL Alumni Club of Southern California . . .

 . . . is  YOU!!


Update Your Information


 Please stay in touch, and tell us how to get in touch with you.  If we have your home address and email address, there is no need for you to fill in the form below.  If we don't, or if you are not sure, please let us know.

We email notices of game watches.  We would love to add your email address to our files.  We do not give your email address to anyone except the University itself.  There are still a number of active members for whom we do not have email addresses.


Please send us an email (to the above address) with the following information.  (You can copy and paste the following into your email).



School; year

Street Address

Address 2



Zip/Postal Code


Work Phone

Home Phone



Web site

Select any of the following options that apply:

 Please add my email to your records.
 This is a new address, please update.
 I am new to Southern California.
 Tell me how to become more involved.

I have suggestions for events and things to do




Is there something you would like to do??


We can do anything we want to do!  Because we are such a large and diverse group, we have room for many varied activities.  Much of what we do is sports-related (Game watches, race track outings, etc.) because it is easy to attract enough people to make it an event.  We are fully aware that many of us aren't really "into" sports.  If you fall into that category, we want to be of service to you, but we don't know what to do!  Please tell us.


Home | Meet the Board | Our Members | Scholarships

This site was last updated 05/10/11  Copyright © 2003-2009 Joseph Willenbrink



Copyright © 2003-2015 Joseph Willenbrink. 

This is a personal fan page independatantly owned and operated by Joseph Willenbrink.  The UofL Club of Southern California is a flagship Alumni Club in the UofL Alumni Association. 

I am a friend of that club - I am very proud of that club, and I strongly suggest you join them!  But this site is not affiliated with them in any direct way.

Nothing expressed herein should be construed as the opinion or policy of The University of Louisville, The UofL Alumni Association, UofL Club of Southern California - or any other entity or anything else at all. 


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